Monday, February 25, 2013


Wednesday it started snowing while I was at work and it was beautiful!  And then it kept snowing and snowing and just like that I got my first snow day!  What made it even better was Jonny got to stay home with us because he couldn't get out of the driveway.  Then Thursday night, I got the email that school was cancelled for Friday.  Woohoo!  Another day to enjoy with my wild man at home.  And now today, we didn't have school (probably should have) and I got to enjoy Wes sleeping in and nice cup of coffee.  I may not be loving all of this snow and really cold weather, but I have thoroughly enjoyed extra snuggle time with those most precious to me.

Here's what we've been up to:

Milk, it does a body good.

getting pretty good with my spoon

snuggle time with daddy

this counts as my workout right?


thankful for an extra day with him

like father like son

yum, snow ice cream is good!

big boy

checking it out

I've missed Jackson and Jami!
And the moral of the story it: snuggles and snow just naturally go together!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily! I, a month later, noticed your comment on Caden's 6 month post. Sorry it took me so long! I had to show Gary your picture, since he wasn't familiar with your married name, and then checked out your awesome blog. I love it! Looks like you guys keep busy with your little man as well! He's a cutie:)
