Monday, February 25, 2013


Wednesday it started snowing while I was at work and it was beautiful!  And then it kept snowing and snowing and just like that I got my first snow day!  What made it even better was Jonny got to stay home with us because he couldn't get out of the driveway.  Then Thursday night, I got the email that school was cancelled for Friday.  Woohoo!  Another day to enjoy with my wild man at home.  And now today, we didn't have school (probably should have) and I got to enjoy Wes sleeping in and nice cup of coffee.  I may not be loving all of this snow and really cold weather, but I have thoroughly enjoyed extra snuggle time with those most precious to me.

Here's what we've been up to:

Milk, it does a body good.

getting pretty good with my spoon

snuggle time with daddy

this counts as my workout right?


thankful for an extra day with him

like father like son

yum, snow ice cream is good!

big boy

checking it out

I've missed Jackson and Jami!
And the moral of the story it: snuggles and snow just naturally go together!

Monday, February 18, 2013

15 months

Well, it's been 3 months since the last Wes update.  That means he is now 15 months old.  Crazy, awesome, exhausting, wonderful, joyful, and challenging are all words I would use to describe Mr. Wesley at 15 months old.  Even on the hardest days, I'm still overcome with gratitude and thankfulness that I get to be Wes's mom.  

Wes at 15 months:
  • weighs 21 pounds and 3 ounces (10th percentile)
  • is 29 and 1/2 inches tall, or short, however you see it (10th percentile)
  • had his first fairly high fever, which meant some rough nights :(
  • has 12 teeth (that I can see) and I'm pretty sure there are more coming in
  • has gone backward in his eating habits, unfortunately.  I'll just blame it on teething like I do everything.  Let's hope when he starts feeling better he will go back to eating the things he liked before
  • sleeps 11-12 hours at night
  • takes one nap a day (2-3) hours-this is still pretty tough for him.  He wants to take a nap around 10:00 am, but we push him until 12:30 or 1:00.  Sometimes this happens though...
  • loves: bath time, other kids, balls, cars, phones, dancing to music, books, being outside and lots of other things.
  • thinks it's funny when mommy says "no", unless I take a toy away and then he is NOT happy.
  • understands sooo much.  His receptive language skills are growing like crazy and I love it.
  • says a lot, although not totally intelligible.  Words he says clearly: no, mimi (for mama), ball, oh no, ow/ouch, wow, hi, yes, and I think I heard bye-bye, and something that sounded like grandpa yesterday.
  • has started to hit/swat at things/people and I'm really trying to figure out how to discipline this kid
  • likes it when I sing the ABCs
  • wears 12-18 months clothes.  Pants are always long, but who's surprised?
  • has hit the separation anxiety phase :(
  • has his mommy and daddy's whole heart
Enjoy the pics:
my big 15 month old!

Is this how you read it mommy?

"what? I'm just flossing my teeth!"

his favorite cabinet to get into

just playing with his batman cars

"yay, I got mommy's phone"


"how does this thing work?"

"see mom, grandma lets me have her phone!"

this monkey loves his bananas

"good morning"

little wildcat
And the moral of the story is...parenting a 15 month old isn't for the faint of heart!

Sunday, February 3, 2013


I knew there would come a time when I would have to leave my little Wes for a night.  Well, it happened this weekend. went great!  Yes, I missed him.  I only cried once.  But I also enjoyed my time away with some awesome people.  And now I'm ready to plan a little trip for the summer.  As long as the grandparents are willing to watch Wes.  :)

Jonny and I spent Friday night and all day Saturday on a retreat with our lifegroup.  A family from our church owns a house on Marion Lake and allowed us to stay there.  My parents were awesome and came and stayed at our house with Wes so he could sleep in his own bed.  Aren't they the best?! 

Our retreat was a great time of self reflection; learning about how God made us in his image and how our story is unique.  And of course we also had fun just hanging out, playing games, and eating together...without kids!
Jonny and I feel so blessed to have such a great group of friends that we can share life with.  Friends that are there for us in great times and difficult times.  Friends that are praying for us.  Friends that laugh with us.  Friends that cry with us.  Thank you God for these people!

Enjoying the beauty

While we were off enjoying our time away...Wes was playing hard with his cousins.

And cheering on the Wildcats with Grandpa and Grandma!

I did inform Jonny that the next time we leave Wes, we better be able to sleep in and that perhaps it could be on a beach! :)

And the moral of the story is...retreat, reflect, and refresh; it's good for the soul.