Yep, our little Wesley is now 10 months old. Whoa! The thing that is hardest to swallow is that he is almost 1 year old. Eek! But, I'm loving everybit of this stage. Tired, yes, but loving it. :)
Wes at 10 months:
- has 2 teeth (the top and bottom left)
- crawls everywhere
- pulls up on everything he shouldn't be
- growls like a Wildcat (in the 6 years I studied speech/language I never learned about the "growling" stage)
- continues to jabber, but is using mama a lot more
- sleeps through the night most of the time (thank you God)
- is transitioning to table food
- loves spaghetti
- isstill nursing, but down to 4 times a day. Which means mommy only has to pump once at work!
- is becoming more and more daring and with that comes bumps and bruises
- experienced his first KSU football game and did great!
- makes his mommy and daddy smile A LOT
Although I'm sad that he is already 10 months, I'm looking forward to watching him grow and enjoying the next stage of life.
"yea, I know I'm big stuff" |
the many faces of Wes (photos courtesy of Jami) |
his first Wingnuts game |
"and that's what we call a sack lunch" |
lunch with the guys |
And the moral of the story is...10 month old boys may think they are grown men and it's up to the mommy to keep them babies as long as possible!