He arrived on Friday, February 7th at 3:10 in the afternoon. He weighed 7 pounds and 13 ounces (the same that I weighed when I was born) and was 19 inches long. Perfect!
So here's how it all went down...
I was 40 weeks and 3 days when I went in for my weekly check-up with the doctor. I had been having contractions for about 2 weeks, but nothing that continued. I would lay down and they would go away. I was huge and quite miserable by this point. I could hardly take care of Wes. I was ready to meet my little boy. The doctor gave me 2 options: be induced the next day, or wait it out over the weekend to see if anything happened and then probably be induced at some point the following week. I voted for the 1st option. I was ready to evict the little guy and I was also guranteed to have my doctor there to deliver.
So, I of course balled my eyes out putting Wes to bed that night. The last time he would be my only baby. And of course didn't sleep much at all. Way too excited. We headed into the hospital at 5:30 am (Jonny was not too excited about that). Everything started to get going around 6:00 or 6:30. I was dilated to 3 centimeters when I arrived, which was great. They started the pitocin "nice and easy". I started having regular contractions, moving right along. They started increasing the pitocin and dang, it started to hurt! Once again, I had quite a bit of back labor. I was hanging in there for a while and then they started to get really close together and really intense. Time for the epidural! It seemed to take forever for them to get there. The epidural helped so much, but it wasn't taking on my left side. I tried laying on that side for a while, but no luck. I was still in lots of pain (mostly in my back) so they gave me some more and it kicked in just in time. They broke my water and before I knew it, I was ready to push. I decided to watch in the mirror this time, which was so amazing! I pushed for maybe 4 sets and out Mr. William came.
We enjoyed a very peaceful hour of skin to skin time. Best thing ever! The little guy latched right on the first try. I thought maybe he had been born with teeth. Ouch!
We had a little bit of a scare after we got moved into our post partum room. While nursing, I noticed Will wasn't swallowing and started to choke. He started turning blue. Luckily, the nurse was there. She grabbed an oxygen monitor, checked it, and then whisked him right out of the room. I knew that wasn't good. They ended up having to give him oxygen. His oxygen level was 38, when they should be above 95. Yikes! After that, someone was there to monitor during feedings just in case. We didn't have any other issues and he has been a great eater since!
Wes got to meet his little brother and did a great job. He was mostly nervous seeing mommy with all the cords and in a wheel chair. In his sweet little voice he said "you hurt?" "You ok?" I of course cried and said "yes, mommy's ok".
What a blessing Will has been! We are so thankful that God blessed us with another beautiful baby boy!
And the moral of the story is...On February 7th, we officially became the FOURschlers!
I LOVE THIS! When I started reading the first post about your first surgery I was like wait, we haven't even heard about Will making his appearance! Then I scrolled down and saw this. I can't wait to meet Will! (And I might have gotten a little choked up reading about you crying when you put Wes to sleep and when he asked if you were okay.) Seeing all those pictures of you guys in the hospital and knowing I wasn't there to see you right after he was born makes me sad but I hope to have many years to spend hanging out with all of the FOURschlers that it will be okay :). You are such a great mom and I am so proud of you!