Ok, we are just going to ignore the fact that it's been nearly 4 months since I last updated the blog. Yikes! I do feel like I have a good excuse though. So let me catch everyone up on the Foerschler family. Here is the short version:
- I finished my first year in the Wichita school district back in May and could hardly wait to enjoy my 2 months of summer break!
- Whoa, being home all day with a 20 month old boy is waaaaayyy harder than being an SLP! After the first week of summer vacation, I was scared I wasn't going to make it. It's kind of embarrassing to admit that as a mom. Basically, I have a whole new level of respect for stay at home moms/dads!
don't let the adorable grin fool ya! This kid is ornery. :) |
- 3 weeks of summer vacation and Wes and I were doing much better. We enjoyed morning snuggles and breakfast in our jammies everyday. Trips to the zoo, over to Jami's to play with Jackson, Botanica with grandpa, and playing in the hose.
Pedalfest at Heartspring |
We love Botanica! |
my little lion cub |
watering the trees |
- Monday, June 10th I woke up feeling pretty yuck. I was extremely tired even after sleeping 9 hours. I only wanted mac n cheese for lunch. Uh oh, could I be pregnant?????
- June 11th, positive pregnancy test. And I mean bold, bright lines appeared. We were pregnant! After a few minutes of panic, and getting Wes out of bed, I called Jonny and tearfully said "babe, I'm pregnant!" As the good husband he is, he responded with "well, I'm happy babe!" I honestly wasn't terrified and cried for a good 5 minutes. Wes just looked at me and smiled. I will always remember that moment. So that's my excuse for not getting to the blogposts!
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Amazingly beautiful even at 10 weeks |
He will be so great as a big bro...eventually |
- Enjoyed a wonderful trip to Colorado!
our little hiker |
- Successfully ditched the pacifier. :)
- Had a new niece join our family!
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Hannah Elise Brown |
- And just like that I was back to work at the beginning of August and summer vacation was over. :(
And that brings us up to date right? Tomorrow we get to find out whether baby 4schler number 2 is a boy or girl. Will Wes have a little brother or sister to love on? It's all happening a little too fast, but that just seems to be life right now. Wes will be 2 years old in a couple months and I will be 30 (wow, it seems even older when I write it).
My babies |
I'd like to say I will be posting a little more often, but I'm not making any promises!
NOT a fan of fireworks |
Bike ride with his cousins |
And the moral of the story is...In February 2014 we will become the FOURschlers!
He is getting SO big! I loved the fact that you admitted to almost not making it your first week home with Wes this summer. I couldn't do it! So much respect for stay at home mommies! Congrats on #2. So exciting.