Well Wes is officially 2 years old. It doesn't quite seem possible, but he definitely reminds us that he is 2 and quite independent. We love seeing how quickly Wes grows and changes. He learns something new everyday and his personality is really starting to "shine".
We enjoyed a small, low-key birthday party. He had his grandparents, some cousins, and aunts and uncles come help him celebrate. Oh, and his buddy Jackson. The party was a "transportation" theme, as Wes is really into cars, planes, trains, trucks, etc. We had pizza (his favorite), fruits and veggies, and of course cake and ice cream.
It was fun to watch Wes enjoy opening presents this year. It took a while because he wanted to play with each toy rather than opening another gift.
Yo ho ho |
Look out! Wes is on the road! |
Can't believe he's already 2! |
Still got mom's sweet tooth. |
Wes at 2 years old:
- Is a talker! Some our favorite phrases: "mommy/daddy, where are you?", "you coming?", "you ok?", "I don't want it", and "I Wesley!"
- still a pretty good sleeper, but ever since daylight savings time he wakes up an hour earlier than he used to.
- is about to move to toddler bed
- not a fan of getting his diaper changed, but does like to "help" wipe
- wears 24 month or 2T clothes
- Weighs 26 pounds
- still loves baths, but is also a fan of showers
- loves music and shows that have music
- favorite shows: little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sofia the First, Jake and the Neverland Pirates
- makes frequent trips to time-out for hitting or disobeying (running from mommy when she says "come here")
- gives hugs and kisses, when he wants to
- likes to play on my iPad and impresses me with how quickly he learns how to do things
- can count to 10, with help
- is very active: loves to run, jump, climb, wrestle with/on daddy
- has mastered the "pouty" face
- developed a scowl like his mommy's
- continues to make us smile, laugh, and oh so happy

Thanksgiving is exhausting |
serious cuteness |
Wes, you continue to grow into such a sweet and ornery little boy. We can't wait to see you as a big brother and look forward to all that the next year brings. We love you!