Thursday, June 28, 2012

Here we go...

Welcome to the Foerschler Fables! I've created this blog for a couple reasons:

  1. I wanted a place to share stories, events, pictures, and videos of the Foerschler family (now that it's more than just me and Jonny).
  2. It gives me the opportunity to reflect and share "the moral" of our story, or what I learn from our family experiences.  
So why "Foerschler Fables" you ask? Well, I like the way it sounds first of all.  Secondly, when I looked up the definition of fable this is what I found:


A short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.
Fabricate or invent (an incident, person, or story).
Synonyms:story - legend - tale - myth - fiction

So this blog is my spin on a fable!  I hope you enjoy reading short "stories" from the Foerschler family and the lessons we learn along the way.